Adequate food for all: culture, science and technology of food in the 21st century | |
American wasteland: how America throws away nearly half of its food (and what we can do about it) | 363.7288 B623A |
America's public lands: from Yellowstone to Smokey Bear and beyond | 333.10973 W697A |
Defending beef: the case for sustainable meat production | 338.1762 N614D |
Eat Drink Vote: an illustrated guide to food politics | 394.12 N376E |
Economics of food: how feeding and fueling the planet affects food prices | 338.19 W527E |
Fair food: growing a healthy, sustainable food system for all | 338.1973 H469F |
Four Fish: the future of the last wild food | 333.956 G829F |
Garbology: our dirty love affair with trash | 363.728 H883G |
In meat we trust: an unexpected history of Carnivore America | 664.9 OG5I |
Kosher: Private regulation in the age of Industrial food | 338.47 L999K |
Moveable feasts: from ancient Rome to the 21st century, the incredible journeys of the food we eat | 382.41 M966M |
One billion hungry: can we feed the world | 338.16C769O |
Pig Tales: an omnivore's quest for sustainable meat | 338.47 ES81P |
Predator paradox: ending the war with wolves, bears, cougars and coyotes | 591.53 SH69P |
Problems of plenty: the American farmer in the twentieth century | 630.973 D746P |
Raw milk revolution: behind America's emerging battle over food rights | 641.302 G953R |
Safe food: the politics of food safety | 363.1926 N376S |
Secret world of red wolves: the fight to save North America's other wolf | 599.773 B392S |
Seeds for the future: the impact of genetically modified crops on the environment | 631.5233 T384S |
So rich, so poor: why it's so hard to end poverty in America | 339.46 ED27S |
Something to chew on: challenging controversies in food and health | 338.19 G356S |
Untold story of milk: the history, politics and science of nature's perfect food | 641.302 SCH55U |
What to eat | 613.2 N376W |
Wild Ones: a sometimes dismaying, weirdly reassuring story about looking at people looking at animals in America | 333.954 M77W |
Wine wars: the curse of the blue nun, the miracle of two buck chuck, and the revenge of... | 338.4 V631W |
Yellowstone wolves: a chronicle of the animal, the people and the politics | 333.959 Ur1Y |