Alice Paul: equality for women | 324.623 L971A |
Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. | 323.092 K585A |
Dying for Joe McCarthy's sins: the suicide of Wyoming Senator Lester Hunt | 978.7 M459D |
Helga's diary: a young girl's account of life in a concentration camp | 940.53 W436H |
I am Malala: the girl who was shot by the taliban | 371.822 Y88I |
The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks | 616.0277 SK45I |
Jane Addams: spirit in action | 361.92 K745J |
Karl Marx | 335.4092 T366K |
Napalm: an American biography | 355.8 N293N |
Ojibwa warrior: Dennis Banks and the rise of the American Indian Movement | 977.004 B226O |
Rebellious life of Mrs. Rosa Parks | 323.092 T342R |
Scratch beginnings: me, $25 and the search for the American dream | 362.5 SH47S |
What is the what: the autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng: a novel | 813.6 EG33W |