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Kooi Library (Sheridan) & Daly Memorial Library (Gillette)

Political Science Reading Assignment: Education

A collection of select books from various genres related to a Political topic.

Select Education Books


The best teachers in the world: why we don't have them and how we could 371.1 C47B
The Bible, the School, and the Constitution: the clash that shaped modern church-state doctrine 344.73094 G826B
Brown V. Board of Education: a civil rights milestone 344.73 P277B
Chimpanzee 813.6 B728C
College for convicts: the case for higher education in American prisons 365.666 Z79C
College: what it was, is and should be 378.73 D376C
De-testing and de-grading schools: authentic alternatives to accountability and standardization 371.26 B676D
Ghosts of no child left behind 379.158 C235G
The teacher wars: a history of America's most embattled profession 371.102 G578T
Trying biology: the scopes trial, textbooks and the antievolution movement in American... 576.8 SH22T
When can you trust the experts?: how to tell good science from bad in education 370.72 W678W
Winds of change: declaring war on education 370.973 L532W