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NWCCD Libraries

Kooi Library (Sheridan) & Daly Memorial Library (Gillette)

SC Academic Support Centers: Tutoring, Writing, Math and Library: Writing Center

Supplemental resources for students to achieve academic success.


Welcome to the Writing Center at Sheridan College!

Delayed Response by Email appointments available!

Need writing assistance?  Need a lab report checked?  Help with APA or MLA formatting?

The Writing Center is here for you! Meet with a consultant to work on any of the following:  

> Thesis Development   > Essay Organization   > Brainstorming   > Resumes   > MLA & APA Citations/Formatting   


Make an Appointment

 307.675.0220 |  Kooi Library GMB 160


Spring Hours

Open Monday - Thursday 10am-4pm

Friday 10am-12pm

Open Sunday 3pm-5pm

Check our online scheduler for consultant availability.

Face-to-face in Kooi Library

Zoom options also available

Delayed Response


Tips & Tricks

Want to know some tips for visiting the Writing Center?

Look no further!

In-Person Appointments—When you want to meet in real life:

  • Supply as much information to your tutor ahead of time as possible when you schedule your appointment.
  • If possible, bring 2 hard copies of your draft, or be able to share/email your assignment with your tutor.

Online Zoom Appointments—When you want to in real time but at a distance:

  • Make sure you select “Yes, Schedule Online appointment” under the “Meet Online?” section when you create your appointment.
  • The Zoom meeting link will be found in your scheduled appointment slot. Click on the Zoom icon under your tutor's bio and wait for your consultant to admit you to the meeting.
  • Upload your assignment/draft to your session in Appointment Assistant to allow your tutor to view your paper easier and save you time later.

Delayed Response by Email—When you want help but at a distance and can't meet via Zoom:

  • Book an appointment online (you still need to select an appointment time - even though you won't be meeting face-to-face or online.
  • Upload your assignment/draft to your session in Appointment Assistant so your consultant can review and provide feedback.  Include questions you have or what area you would like reviewed.  

Review "How to Make an Appointment in SC Just ASC (Updated)" on the SC Just ASC "Welcome!" page for details on how to make an appointment.

Citations & Formatting

Handy Handouts

The Writing Center’s ongoing project is to provide  handouts (links below) with explanations on a variety of writing topics. Stop by often as this project continues to grow!